Sonnerie Back in black
Nous avons choisi de classer la sonnerie de portable à télécharger Back in black dans le genre "Métal, Fusion, Hard" ("Hard Rock"). Back in black est également classée dans le genre "Pop, Rock".
Sonneries pour P250 Métal, Fusion, Hard (New) 546
- Rock n' roll train
- I Disappear
- All hope is gone
- My apocalypse
- Wind of change
- Send me an angel
- Psychosocial
- Eraser
- Beat it
- Knockin' on the heaven's door
- Des nuits
- Cheer up, boys
- Bye bye beautiful
- Laid to rest
- It was faith
- The beginning of the end
- Blackest eyes
- Scream aim fire
- All around me
- The city is at war
- Citroën C3 09-Tick tick boom
- Sweet dreams
- Helicopter
- Bodysnatchers
- Conquest
- 1000 meere
- Citroën C1,C2-1,2,3,4 Rock!
- Nothin' but a good time
- Mode arcade
- Control-No love lost
- Crushcrushcrush
- Scratch the stone
- Alvin & les Chipmunks 2-You really got me
- Sad but true
- Evolution
- If I was your vampire
- Tarantula
- Constant motion
- Icky thump
- Frozen
- Overture of the wicked
- Woman
- Sweet sacrifice
- What I've done
- Lithium
- Dirge inferno
- True belief
- Call me when you're sober
- The reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg
- Mr. Killjoy